March 10, 2024

Heat the Pig Liver V1 Anime SS – You Don’t Need an Attendant When Getting Changed

Anime Special Short Story “You Don’t Need an Attendant When Getting Changed”

“I need to get changed, so could you please come with me?”


I doubted my ears when I heard Jess utter those words.

When a girl gets changed, isn’t the guy supposed to wait somewhere else?

Plus, I’m a scrawny four-eyed shitty virgin who’s not had a girlfriend in his life before.  I’m just your ordinary science otaku college student that women would ignore.  Or at least, that was the case up to yesterday.

It seems my life has completely changed since becoming a pig.  I mean, I just got told “I need to get changed, so could you please come with me?”!  It appears that being a lovable piggy helps lower the vigilance of cute girls.  Reincarnations to another worlds are the bomb!  I should enjoy myself being a pig here.

As I was thinking these thoughts while climbing up the mansion’s spiral staircase, my eyes met with Jess’.




There seemed to be a hint of confusion mixed within her angelic smile.


(Sorry.  That’s right, you can hear my inner thoughts.)

“No, there’s nothing for you to apologize for.  I don’t mind them.”

(If so, I’m glad.  That really helps.)


Jess is from a race called Yesmas, and they’re said to be able to hear people’s thoughts.  But more importantly, how deep into people’s minds are they able to read?  If I don’t narrate it – in other words, stop monologuing, will they not hear it?  Or is it such that this kind of effort is meaningless, and they can see into the depths of our hearts?  As someone who constantly has sleazy thoughts, I’d like to make that clear to me as soon as possible.

Having returned to the room, Jess opened her dresser.  And from within, she pulled out a piece of cloth that I’ve never seen before.

What is it?  At the very least, it doesn’t seem like your ordinary clothes.  Does that mean it’s the underwear of this world?

Hold on a second.  I’m still here.  Don’t tell me she’s actually going to-

She looked at me with a mischievous smile and began unbuttoning the top of her blouse.

Gulp.  I swallowed.  Don’t tell me she’s going to change in front of me.

Jess lightly giggled before re-buttoning her clothes.  Then, she showed me the cloth she took out from the dresser with a “Ta-dah!”


“Although I said I needed to get changed, I was only going to put on this corset over my clothes.”

(Is… is that so?)

“Yes.  So I will not be taking anything off.”


Jess explained with a smile as she tied what was a corset around her waist.  It looks to be fastened over her clothes via strings.


(That’s a relief.  I thought you were going to start stripping before me.)


Nononono, that’s just wrong.  I almost had my hopes up there!

Why did you even unbutton your clothes in the first place if you were just going to wear the corset over them?


“I’m very sorry.  You appeared to be looking forward to me getting changed, so I couldn’t help but tease you a little.”

(…I was monologuing there, so you didn’t have to respond to it.)

“Oh, that’s right.  Sorry…”


Teasing, huh.  What a formidable girl.  I can’t let my guard down.

After skillfully putting on the corset, Jess turned to me joyfully.


“I knew it.  Mister Pig likes getting teased after all.”




(…Is the Yesmas’ ability capable of even figuring out this kind of secret kink?)

“No, I can only understand things that are clearly stated in words, like your ‘monologue’…  But I kind of got the feeling that Mister Pig liked this sort of thing.”

(I see?)


Even knowing that, the fact that she’s a formidable girl doesn’t change.

She’s able to discern the kinks of a pig that she had just met, and treat him in a way that makes him the happiest.  It might as well be on the level of a natural talent.

In that case, I also have to do my best for this cute girl.


“Um, I am planning on going shopping…  Would you mind accompanying me?”

(Not at all.  I’ll follow you wherever it is!)


Hehehe, sorry guys, but I’ll be moving on ahead before you all.  It seems I have some business to take care of.

Achievement unlocked: go on a shopping date with a cute girl!

For some reason, as I was thinking such things, Jess petted me while looking quite happy.

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