September 20, 2022

Heat the Pig Liver - Volume 1: Chapter 2

Chapter 2 – Nine Times Out of Ten, Handsome Guys are Sleazebags

Sunlight shone through the gaps between the trees in the dusky forest.  Judging by the angle it was coming from, it must still be early morning.  I woke up in a place that looked like a secret hideout as I was surrounded by dense shrubberies.


Something was on top of my abdomen.  A blonde girl was using me as a pillow to sleep.


I steadily got up on all fours.  Jess’ head slipped from my stomach and landed on the wooden board.  Perhaps it was because she will be traveling a while that she wore an aqua blue one-piece dress, but it gave the impression of being more lighthearted than before.




She made a strange noise and placed a hand over her head.


(Oops, my bad…)


At the same time, I recalled what had happened up until now.  I became a pig, danced at the festival, reunited with Jess under the beautifully moonlit night, locked that guy into the warehouse…

The rest of volume 1 chapter 2 has been removed as there is an official English translation.

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