September 29, 2022

Heat the Pig Liver - Volume 1: Chapter 4

Chapter 4 – There’s Always a Reason Behind Each Rule

It was the next morning.  The day has finally come to enter the Forest of Needles; the capital wasn’t that far away.  Our fates will probably be decided today.


With that in mind, my heart inexplicably asserted its presence.  Jess seemed nervous too as she kept biting her lower lip.  Brace remained silent as before, like a doll.  It was as if nothing had happened at all last night.


Did something happen last night?


Jess inquired with keen ears.  Uh oops.


(I had a short conversation with Brace, that’s all.)


No matter how she asks, I won’t tell her that we were secretly watching and smiling about Jess’ sleeping face.


Eh, my sleeping face…?  How embarrassing…


(I was just messing with you.  I fabricated a monologue.  If you don’t want to be fooled, don’t read my mind without permission.)


Jess covered her mouth in surprise before looking at me and puffing her cheeks out.


Then please don’t look at my underwear without permission either.  Even though what I’m wearing today is one that I particularly like.


Eh, really…?


I panickingly wanted to take back what I said, but the smart me notices that the premise of being able to look at her underwear without permission was abnormal in the first place.


And the even smarter me realizes that we were having such a silly conversation because we were desperately trying to avert our eyes from the fear of death.

The rest of volume 1 chapter 4 has been removed as there is an official English translation.


Anonymous said...

I'm afraid the only words you spoke that she acknowledged were "use your own hands to grasp happiness." She won't become part of the king's bloodline, because she won't be happy like that. She will seize her own way: she will send herself to you. If you're lucky, she'll even be a human.

アズマー said...

Fuck I'm crying

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