January 30, 2023

Heat the Pig Liver - Volume 3: Interlude 2

Interlude 2 – A Certain Young Man’s Past

At the end of his journey, the still immature boy arrived at a place that was a dark and narrow room with a lot of blood in it.  The floor and walls were all made of flat, black stones, which appeared to have been occasionally washed with water; but even so, it was impossible to make it such that all the blood, which had flowed in this room, unnoticeable.


The boy pressed a plump man against the smelly floor, and held a dagger to the man’s neck.


“Tell me the truth, or else I’ll slice your throat.”


The boy didn’t have the guts to kill.  His hoarse voice that was undergoing puberty was trembling strangely.


“It’s… It’s not like I’m doin’ this because I like it either.  I was threatened to lend them this place.  They just give me the leftover organs…  Someone higher up does the dirty work.”


The word “organs” echoed as if to gouge out the boy’s stomach.


“Is she still alive?”


At the boy’s question, the man widened his eyes in incomprehension.




“The day before yesterday, a Yesma was brought to this room.  I’m asking if she’s still alive.”


The momentary silence was enough to make the boy’s heart constrict in despair.


“…There’s no point in lyin', so I’ll tell it to you straight, kid.  This place is for dismantlin' Yesmas.  They chop their head off, split open their bellies, and scrape the flesh off their bones.  There’s no such thing as a Yesma comin' outta here alive.”


The boy's stomach suddenly constricted, threatening to spill its contents, but he barely managed to hold back.  The dagger he was holding fell and made a crisp clatter.  The plump man took that opportunity to quickly get up and move to the exit.  He then look back at the boy with pity.


“Hey kid, does your name happen to be Nott?”


The boy looked up while weeping bitterly.  The man continued.


“I heard a scream.  I doubt those guys would remember it, but… I’m sure that Yesma’s last words were your name.”


This time, the boy couldn’t stop himself from vomiting.  His tears, snot, and vomit all dripped down his chin.


The man left in a hurry, leaving the poor boy alone.


The despairing boy would later meet a white dog.


Three days after their encounter, the boy would manage to retrieve the collar and the few remaining bones.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

holy shit fuck those people

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