June 04, 2023

Know the Pig Trivia #1 (Heat the Pig Liver Anime Update)

It's been a while since I last posted about Heat the Pig Liver, hasn't it.  At least a month and a half, or even longer depending on which post you want to count.  Today, I bring you some new promotional material from the anime's twitter account!

First, let's start with the new key visual.

Jess-taso riding Mister Pig! Oink oink!!

The promotion is called 豚の豆知識(トリビア)を把握しろ, which is written like the title 豚のレバーは加熱しろ.  Therefore, I'll be calling it "Know the Pig Trivia" from now on.

According to their tweet from yesterday, we'll be getting 3 key visuals + videos in total, including this one.

For this first trivia, it just says "Pigs are fast runners."  They included a short video, but it didn't have anything new about the anime itself.

Now, on to some Heat the Pig Liver bonus tidbits from me.

Brace's birthday happened just less than a week ago, on May 29; and with June already here, our main heroine's (Jess') birthday will be coming up soon as well.

June 16, to be precise!

That's it from me for now.  Thanks for sticking around, and I hope we get an official trailer on their final trivia post.  If not, well... there's always the broadcast on ABEMA between July 15 and 16.

11/13 Edit Update:

It looks like Aniplex USA has gone back and translated past promotional trivia material.

Check this link to view the official English translation for the first trivia.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gracias por la información, seguimos esperando por el anime. Espero sea una buena adaptación de la obra original.

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