November 29, 2022

Heat the Pig Liver - Volume 2: Illustrations & Character Pages

That being said, I’m quite envious of you.

(Er, envious of what?)

Mr. Lolipo’s nickname, you know, “scrawny four-eyed shitty virgin.”

(It’s a pretty degrading nickname that I accidentally established when I called myself that…
What's there worth envying?)

Wrong.  Isn’t it quite rare to have an innocent girl call you a shitty virgin?

“Um, is it good thing to be called a shitty virgin by a girl…?”

(There are some otakus in the world that would enjoy being scolded by girls.)

Celes – A thirteen-year-old Yesma that lives in Bapsas.

Black Pig – An otaku friend the pig met at the offline meeting.  His handle is Sanon.

Pig – A scrawny four-eyed shitty virgin.  His handle is Loli Pork.

Rossi – A perverted dog.

I’m supposed to learn fire magic today, but…
It’s my first time using dangerous magic, so I’m a little nervous.

Jess – The girl that the pig has wholeheartedly fallen for.
She is currently at the capital spending her time learning magic.

Inside the arena, three lions bared their fangs and roared.
However, beasts are but lumps of meat before a huntsman.

Nott – The Liberation Army’s leader.
He is currently held captive by the Northern Forces.


"…Sorry, I’m still inexperienced…”

(No, that’s fine…  But isn’t your magic power strange?)

“…You mean it was too weak?”

(Why are you saying something that a protagonist from another world would say?)

I was almost turned into a roast pig.

Shulavis – Evis’ grandson.  Although he’s Jess’ fiancĂ©…

Wies – Shulavis’ mother.  She serves as Jess’ educator.

Evis – The king of Mestria.  He’s been called the greatest mage.

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