November 30, 2022

Heat the Pig Liver - Volume 2: Fragment 1

Fragment 1 – An Important Something

There are times where I’m suddenly reminded that I can’t seem to remember something.


Like when I stare at the distant mountains, or when I look up at the night skies.


When I remember that I once had something irreplaceable, tears feel like they’ll well out.


But even I don’t know myself what’s tormenting me so.


The bookmarked pages are stuck together, unable to be opened.



After I responded to her knock, Ms. Wies entered the room.  Her long blonde hair swayed like a calm stream.  She’s a tall, slender, graceful, and very beautiful woman.  Ever since I arrived at the capital, she has been my teacher.


I’m supposed to learn fire magic today, but… it’s my first time using dangerous magic, so I’m a little nervous.


I sat at the desk by the window and had a basic magic book open.  Beyond the window was a cloudy sky, and a dark forest was visible far below it.  This was the uppermost area of the capital – the palace where the king and his family lives.  Lately, however, it’s mostly been just me and Ms. Wies here.


That’s because the men have been running around preparing for and fighting the Northern Forces.


Ms. Wies sat down next to me and immediately directed a question towards me.


“So let’s hear it.  What is fire?”


My lessons always began with a question.


“Erm… it’s something warm and bright.”


“Then as long as we create something warm and bright, it’ll become fire?”


Since she asked me that, it means I was incorrect.


“…No, there needs to be something flammable.  When something flammable is heated up in the air, it will catch fire.”


Ms. Wies raised her eyebrows, seemingly impressed.


“That’s correct.  To create a fire, you need to provide it with something to burn.  So, what could be good to ignite with?”


“How about… firewood?”


“Are you able to create firewood?”




I can only create simple things at the moment.  Though I say that, it’s just water, air, and the likes…  What can I say, they’re really basic things.


“Let’s think about what you’re able to create.”


“I haven’t tried it yet, but I might be able to make oil.”


“Because you’ve learned how to create water?”


If she asks to confirm the reasoning behind my answer, it means my answer was wrong.  I prepared myself for my idea to be dismissed as naïve, and nodded honestly.


“Yes… that’s right.  I figured oil would be similar to water…”


“That kind of thinking is too superficial.  Oil has a very intricate structure.  To create something complex, you need the appropriate knowledge, the experience with handling it, and a rich imagination.  But your approach is correct.  Let’s start by creating something combustible today.”


After Ms. Wies traced a circle on the desk with her slender finger, a plain glass vessel appeared in its place.  As she gradually raised her hand, a clear liquid gushed out from inside the bottom of the vessel.


“Here, go ahead and give it a smell.”


I followed her instructions and positioned my nose close to the glass container.  Immediately, a sweet and stinging stimulation filled my nostrils, making me gag.


“What… is this?”


Ms. Wies smiled mischievously and raised her index finger.


“Take a guess.  You should have drank something which contained this in the past.”


“Something that contains this…?”


I was completely stumped.  Is it even possible to drink something this dangerous?


“It’s liquor,” Ms. Wies revealed while I was wracking my brain.


“Erm… that’s right.”


“What’s the matter?”


“It’s nothing.  I just don’t remember ever drinking liquor before…”


Ms. Wies’ head shifted slightly in reaction to my reply.  She appeared a little perturbed.  However, mages are well-versed in preventing others from sensing their thoughts, so I could only guess what she was thinking.


But this is what I suppose:


Could it be that I had drunk liquor before?


Could it be that, although I drank it in the past, I just forgot that I did?


There’s a reason as to why I suspect this.


The king of Mestria, Evis-sama, has sealed my memories, so I’m unable to recall anything from when I left the Quiltlin family as their maid to when I arrived at the capital.  It seems like there was a proper reason for sealing them, but I’m still curious about those memories that I can’t remember.  Perhaps it’s something that I’m better off not remembering, but…


As if having sensed my thoughts, Ms. Wies cleared her throat.


“Anyway, alcohol is what makes liquor, liquor.  This liquid evaporates well and burns easily.”


Ms. Wies pointed a captivating finger at the vessel, and an orange flame began to flicker inside.


“If you’re able to accomplish this by today, you will have done very well.  But if you still have energy to spare, try modifying your creation as well.  This will also affect how it burns.”


“How it burns?”


“Correct.  As stated in the magic book, alcohol can be divided into water content and oil content.  By reducing the oil content, it will result in a more water-like substance which will create a dark blue flame when burned; on the other hand, increasing the oil content will create flames that burn more intensely.”

>TL Note: I don’t think saying alcohol is oil + water is quite correct.  It’s more of a simplified explanation for the purpose of the story.


Just listening to her made me want to try it.


It’s fire after all!


Ms. Wies smiled at me.


“Then let’s head to the laboratory after you’ve finished reading the book, Jess.”


Suppressing my excitement, I began scanning through the book.



It was while I was still in the laboratory researching how to create oil that I heard a loud thud come from the corridor outside.  It sounded like someone had just shut a door nearby.


Looking at the clock on the wall, it was already two time-hour.  The day had passed and it was after dark.  It’s already late-night.  Who could it be?


When I exited into the dark corridor, I spotted a figure leaning against the stone wall nearby.  He appeared injured or rather unwell.  As I ran up to him, I was shocked.




His white hair and beard were smeared in dirt, and his pale face was extremely apparent.  The king of Mestria, in his muddied black robe, appeared barely able to support himself by his trembling limbs.


His grey eyes, filled with the light of a sage, looked at the dazed me.


“What happened, Jess?  Why is your face covered in soot?”


It was a hoarse voice that made him feel much older than usual.


“S-sorry, I was in the middle of an experiment…”


After blurting out those words, I realized that the concerns were being directed in the opposite direction.


“I should be the one asking that instead.  What happened to you, Evis-sama?”


Evis-sama adjusted his posture.  His right hand was unnaturally dyed black, and a strange mesh pattern covered his skin.


“Looks like I made a blunder.  I’ve been cursed.”


“Cursed?  By who…?”


The only people in Mestria who can cast curses, in other words, mages, are those from the royal family.


“I don’t know.  But the situation is quite serious, because a mage with clear murderous intentions towards us has started to act somewhere.  It’s a mage we have no knowledge of – a surreptitious sorcerer.”

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