September 02, 2023

Heat the Pig Liver Anime Pre-Screening & New Cast Info

Two new posts regarding the anime dropped earlier.

There'll be a pre-screening event showing episode 1 & 2 on September 30 at United Cinemas Toyosu.  If you'll be in Tokyo and want to enter the ticket lottery, feel free to read the details on their post here.

Next, they've announced two new cast details; and if you've read the first volume, I'm sure you know who they'll be...

Here's their character pages from the anime's site, along with my translations.

Tomita Miyu will be voicing Celes.

"I thought he was a weird pig."

The young Yesma girl whom the Pig and Jess met on their journey.
She works as a maid at a small village's inn.
Her personality makes it difficult for her to express her thoughts honestly, but her eyes are always looking at...

Ito Kento will be voicing Nott.

"You better not regret it, stupid pig."

A cool huntsman who wields twin daggers and often stops by the village where Celes lives.
He's extremely dissatisfied with how the world treats Yesmas.
There's an unexpected side to him in that he blushed just after his first meeting with Jess.

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