October 22, 2023

Heat the Pig Liver Anime - Ep 3 Thoughts

With episode 3, we're finally wrapping up chapter 1 of the novel.  I had expected them to take 4 episodes to finish chapter 1 after seeing episode 2's pace, but it looks like I was wrong.  As mentioned in my episode 2 thoughts post, I think those who have not read the novel or manga before should watch the anime up until this episode to really get a feel for what the story is really going to be about.  The news update section will be somewhat lengthy as well, with some anime and non-anime related content.

Episode 3 Thoughts

To start, as I feared, the lengthy monologues from Mister Pig observing his surroundings when he was brought to the town square was cut.  These were spread throughout and helped characterize him as an analytical person, while also helping the reader understand how he formulated his plan to break out.

Instead, we're quickly introduced to why the shops are putting on performances on stage (it's basically advertisement, and people who enjoyed their shows will buy stuff from their shops), and jump straight to Mister Pig's stage dance.

There's not much to say about the dance, but the anime included a new scene where Jess is dismissed and she heads back.  It's a short moment, but I liked that inclusion.

On to the escape plan.  Given the cut monologues, Mister Pig's escape was simplified, to an unrealistic extent which was a bit disappointing.  There's a few things to point out from the novel which made his strategy feel more well thought out.  First, his collar was attached to chains, and unlike how it was taken off just because he tugged on it in the anime, he actually violently bobbed his head to intentionally make it jangle loudly and annoy the crowd, leading to its removal.  Next, there's the concern of the shopkeeper's hired men.  Sure, the crowd may get drunk, but the hired men are a different story since they have to keep watch in order to sell the beer and whiskey.  In the novel, Mister Pig notes through his observations that these hired men are lazy and like to drink, so he just has to create a scenario that enables them.  He does this by scaring a drunkard into falling over the crates of alcohol; because of this, the crowd apologetically buys more drinks, and the hired men sneakily stash away the still intact bottles to drink themselves, leading to everyone getting drunk.

As Mister Pig heads back to the mansion, he comes across the scammer from the morning, along with a burly man.  The conversation that ensues is pretty faithful to the novel, followed by Matsuoka carrying the tension of the scene as he monologues Mister Pig's thoughts (though I would've liked a bit of animation during the start of the monologue showing Mister Pig trembling).  I especially like how he monologues speedily, showcasing Mister Pig's quick thinking and analytical mind to the viewers (these instances felt sorely missing in the past two episodes).

The next few scenes with Mister Pig meeting back up with Jess and executing the plan to trap the scammer are also well scripted and follows the novel's development closely.  The only change I would like to point out is that in the anime, Mister Pig mentions the warehouse having a window, which meant Mister Pig was given the direct task of incapacitating the man.  This meant Mister Pig engaged in the fight to wound the man, instead of in the novel where he attacked the man just to buy time and create enough space for Jess to lock the door.

As Mister Pig leaves the warehouse, he and Jess both realize he's been stabbed.  To avoid spoiling the next episode, I won't say too much here, but I do want to bring up just a small bit of cut dialogue from the novel that would've been nice to have been included.  Jess thought of stealing the black rista again to heal Mister Pig, but he immediately refutes it, telling her not to trouble herself any further for his sake.  Just these couple lines would've further reinforced just how much she treasures Mister Pig.

Finally, we end with a great cut to the ED.

Overall, the first half of episode 3 didn't quite meet my expectations due to the cut monologues, similar to episode 2, but the latter half of episode 3 wonderfully adapted chapter 1's closure in the novel.  What to expect from here on out?  Well, you'll have to stay tuned for episode 4, or pick up the novel/manga to find out.

News Update Section

In addition to "Heat the Pig Radio," it looks like Aniplex will also be uploading another web series promoting the anime called "Retrospect the Pig Liver." (豚のレバーを振り返れ!)  Here, Matsuoka and Kusunoki will talk about their thoughts and experiences with recording the recently aired episode.

For this first video, they'll be discussing episode 1 and 2.  If you're interested, definitely check them out!

Also, just before episode 3 aired, ASCA's YouTube channel premiered her latest song's music video (which is also this anime's OP).

Kujibikido just announced an online lottery event for Heat the Pig Liver that will run from November 21 to December 19.  No news on what goods will be available (but there might be a dakimakura drawn by Asagi-sensei as an S rank prize judging by the promotional image), so stay tuned.

The anime site updated its Blu-ray & DVD Purchase bonuses to now show the samples for the new illustrations that you'll receive for ordering all 6 volumes from Animate, Amazon JP, and Sofmap respectively.  As usual, Asagi-sensei's art is amazing.  You've got Jess in a virgin killer sweater, a one-piece swimsuit, and a school uniform.

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