December 28, 2023

Heat the Pig Liver V1 SS – Guys Desire Lap Pillows

Melonbooks Limited Short Story “Guys Desire Lap Pillows”

“Um, Mister Pig?  Why do men desire older or younger sisters?”


Jess abruptly inquired while we were still walking, leaving me confused as question marks filled my head.


(Well… I don’t think all men desire for an older or younger sister, but… what made you suddenly ask about that?)


“You were emphasizing how great sibling relationships are last night… and Mr. Nott kept calling out ‘Onee-chan’ in his sleep, so…”


I couldn’t help but snort at that.  I never would’ve imagined that this handsome huntsman had this sort of side to him.


Nott, who was silently leading the way with Brace in tow, had his ears turn red like traffic lights.


(Oh, so you have an older sister, Nott?)


Nott seemed to have been shaken by my question, as he tripped over a pebble and nearly lost his balance.


“…No, I don’t have one.”


“Huh…?  Then who were you asking to give you a lap pillow in your sleep?”


Innocent curiosity can sometimes be so incredibly cruel.


Nott had been facing forward with self-restraint, but even he stopped at this and turned around.


“I-It doesn’t matter who it is, alright?  It’s not like an older woman that I admired would pamper me and give me a lap pillow when I called her ‘Onee-chan’ or anything like that, okay?”


Just how bad are you at lying?  The way you said that was like a picture perfect example of a tsundere…


Jess appeared to have sensed something, as she uttered a “Sorry” before shutting her mouth.


Well, that being said, I never expected to find a kindred soul here.  I’m sure sister moe is a common disease across all cultures.


After traveling for some time, Jess came to me with an apple while we were all resting our feet.


“Onii-san, here’s an apple for you.”




(Uh… you don’t have to force yourself to call me that.)


She gently shook her head at my suggestion.


“I’m not forcing myself.  I just wanted to give it a try and see how it feels to say it.”


(That’s fine in that case…  By the way, how does it feel?)


“It’s not that different from usual.  Perhaps it’s because I’m always pampering you…  What about you, Onii-san?  How are you feeling?”


(I-I mean, it’s not half bad.)


Jess then smiled mischievously and held the apple in her hands towards me.


“Here, Onii-san.  Ahn~”


My mouth opened on its own, as if it was under some kind of spell.  Munch.


While chewing on the apple in a daze, I noticed Brace was staring at me with cold eyes.  Stop!  This is a misunderstanding!  I’m definitely not a pervert who enjoys being called “Onii-san” by a cute, younger girl!


(…I’m glad, but let’s put a stop to this.  It just feels kind of immoral.)


“You think so?  I was having fun though…”


In the end, being called a pig by a cute, blonde girl is the best.


“In that case, how about ‘Pig Onii-san’?”


(Don’t go ahead and develop a new genre.  Also, just for your information, I was monologuing there.)


Nevertheless, I was made aware of a new possibility.  If you add on “scrawny four-eyed shitty virgin,” which I usually refer myself by, then maybe…


“Scrawny Four-Eyed Shitty Virgin Pig Onii-san?”


I am so sorry for making such an angelic cute girl utter such profane words out of her mouth.


(Yeah, this isn’t something where you can just combine whatever and it’ll be good.  Let’s stop here.  Thanks for going along with this strange taste of mine.)


“That’s alright.  I’m willing to try addressing you by whatever you wished to be called by, so please feel free to let me know at any time.”


(I see.  Thanks.)


Our short break was over, and we resumed our journey.  Nott, who loves lap pillows, was probably still embarrassed, as he refused to make eye contact with us.


Looking at the hilts of the twin daggers hanging from his waist – the hilts made from Ys’ bones, I thought to myself that they might have been her femur bones, judging by their thickness.

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