January 06, 2024

Heat the Pig Liver V2 SS – Only Two Flowers in the World

Melonbooks Limited Short Story “Only Two Flowers in the World”

—Yeah.  I must say, when it comes to flowers, the smaller they are, the more charming they become.


Sanon conveyed this to me while staring at the tiny white flowers blooming on the trees beyond Celes.


Having heard this, Celes tilted her head quizzically.


“What’s there to admire about small flowers…?”


With his eyes trained slightly below her chin, the black pig – Sanon, proceeded to explain.


—I find large flowers to be too flashy and assertive, so I can’t help but be drawn in by those more hidden and modest beauties.


This black pig was no longer looking at flowers.  Officer!  There’s a pervert over here!


—Isn’t it the same for you too, Mr. Lolipo?  You prefer violets over sunflowers.


I was bewildered at having been pulled into the conversation.  He’s not wrong, but this was not a chat we should be entertaining with Celes as the relay.  I’ll just answer him as if it’s only about flowers.


(Right, but size isn’t everything when it comes to flowers.  Their shape, color, scent, and overall balance as a whole are also important.  I’m of the same opinion that modest ones are beautiful, but I don’t agree with the smaller the more charming.)


I thought back to Jess.  Her perfectly calculated curves must have been drawn using god’s equation.  To claim the lower the maximum value the better is an insult to the god of beauty.


“Um, we are talking about flower sizes, right…?”


Celes questioned, as she placed a hand before her chest.  Don’t read my monologue.


(Yeah, we’re definitely talking about flowers, and not at all about boobs.  Wouldn’t it be weird if someone said the smaller the boobs, the more attractive the person is?)


“I-I suppose so…”


She muttered while glancing at the black pig trotting next to her.  Did something happen in the past?


—Anyway, since it doesn’t seem like we’ll be able to reach an agreement regarding our discussion of flowers, let’s talk about something else.  For example, how about something like plant stems?


The black pig looked at me from between Celes’ slender legs.  Stems, huh?  I see.


(Regarding stems, I’m still in the middle of researching them.  However, I am not of the opinion that the thinner the better applies to them either.  I believe it’s more important to consider them from the perspective of functional beauty…)


While thinking only about plant stems, I turned towards the black pig.  Celes’ legs were moving repetitiously before my eyes.  Despite being a slim young girl, she looked to have robust muscles there, likely from spending much of her time walking and standing around.  I could never get tired of looking at those calves, which systematically changed shapes underneath those black socks.  And turning my gaze a little further up, I could view the back of her knees, which were slightly pinkish.  Their soft and plump skin gradually and quietly shifted, like a calm beach.


“Um, you are talking about plant stems… right?”


Celes asked mistrustfully.


(We’re only talking about plants, and definitely not about a girl’s legs.)


As I was coming up with an excuse, Sanon conveyed something to me in response.


—I’m only talking about stems, but I don’t think thinner is better either.  The harmony between the muscles – which form the shape, and the fat – which creates the contours, is very important.


(Exactly.  You get it, don’t you?)


As we hit it off oinkingly in elation, Celes quietly murmured.


“Do plants really have muscles and fat…?”


(…That’s the case in our world.  Right?)


—That’s correct, Cele-tan.  In our world, there are vegetables with muscles…


With a troubled look, she smiled at our painful excuse.  Oh boy, she knows.


“Um… thank you.”


Puzzled by Celes’ words, we tilted our heads sideways.


“You both know that I’m self-conscious about my body and were trying to be understanding about it.  I’m kind of happy that you two are willing to encourage me in that way, even if you felt forced to.”


While the pigs were left speechless, Rossi began sniffing at the all too pure-hearted girl’s thighs.

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