September 16, 2023

Heat the Pig Liver - Volume 4: Chapter 1 (Preview & End of Translation Notice)

Chapter 1 – Recently Jess-taso is Unusual

Mimicry is an essential act for any civilization.  For example, babies learn to speak by imitation.  When it comes to martial arts, fine arts, and even skills as advanced as magic, we need to first mirror the foundations laid out by our predecessors before being able to master them.  No matter what it is, it’s only after mimicking are we capable of developing our own style.


Though there are plenty of things to imitate, living beings are the most likely subjects.  That’s because these organisms, which have evolved in the face of extinction over the past billions of years, hold hidden wisdoms in their bodies which far exceed our surface-level knowledge that only amounts to a hundred years at most.


For instance, while morpho butterflies don’t contain any blue pigments, their wings utilize an incredibly fine structure to radiate a brilliant blue.  Just by copying this mechanism, it’s possible to create textiles with a blue metallic sheen that magically seems to never fade.


Another example is that the surface of the cocklebur plant’s seeds are layered with hooked spines that will entangle on the fur of wildlife passing by, allowing them to be transported long distances and expanding the cocklebur’s habitat without having to move themselves.  Velcro was created by imitating this – by covering one layer’s surface with fine hook-like bristles, and another with fiber for entangling with the barbs, it became possible to repeatedly stick and peel the two apart.


As such, there’s certainly meaning in imitating living beings.  Which is why I proposed this kind of practice to Jess, and definitely not because of my personal interests. – Despite meticulously explaining so to her, she didn’t seem to buy it at all.


“But is there really anything to learn by wearing such a revealing outfit with bunny ears and tail…?”


A pair of long black ears on top of her silky blonde hair; a skin-tight black leotard that covered just the bare minimum of her chest, lower abdomen, and buttocks; a round tail affixed over her buttocks; a faux shirt collar around her neck; and a set of decorative cuffs on her wrists.  Her slender and beautiful limbs glowed lustrously under the fireplace light.


As I circled inside the cabin, carefully observing Jess’ attire, I appended parentheses and conveyed this to her.


(Of course.  Those tights were the first fabric you created.  We might not be able to figure out a practical use for it yet, but it’s important to test out new materials like this.)


“Do bunnies wear these things you call tights…?”


Come to think of it, they don’t.  That’s odd.


A pair of beautiful eyes stared intently at me.


“If it’s magic practice for creating tights, I don’t think it was necessary to imitate a bunny.”


Jess crossed her arms before her petite chest seemingly in dissatisfaction.


Good grief.  She doesn’t get it at all, does she?  When there’s a rascal pig, there has to be a bunny girl.


(Trust me.  The skill of imitating a bunny will surely come in handy one day.  For now, let’s focus on practicing it.)


Although Jess appeared to have her suspicions, it’s not like I want her to do various cosplays for my own enjoyment.  Never.  Not a chance.  I’m not a pervert after all.


“I knew it.  This outfit was because Mister Pig wanted to see me in it…”


Jess read my monologue, loosened her arms, and relaxed.


“If that’s the case, you could have just said so from the beginning.  If it’s for Mister Pig, I’m willing to wear anything.”


After a mischievous smile, Jess stood on her toes and spun around like a ballerina.  A glistening white cloth welled from around her body, forming a whirlpool that gently enveloped her.  The bunny girl costume melted away inside the whirlpool, and Jess, who faced me after stopping, was now in a pure white dress.  While her seductive vibes were now gone, this outfit straightforwardly displayed her cuteness.


“You’re more than welcome to compliment.”


(As expected of you, Jess, you’re improving real fast.)


“I didn’t mean my magic…  I was referring to my outfit.”


She gently pinched the hem of her dress, lifted it, and lightly smiled at me.  This felt like a miniature fashion show.


(It suits you.)


“Thank you very much!  Then what about this one?”


Jess stroked the dress with her hands, and dark blue threads began oozing from her fingertips, drawing botanical patterns on the white fabric.


(It feels a bit more mature now.  I like this too.)


“No matter what I wear, Mister Pig will praise me.”


Jess looked bashfully happy.


Lately, she’s been fixated on magic for creating clothes.  She started with spinning yarn at first, but quickly learned how to weave cloth at an astonishing pace, and soon reached the stage where she could shape them into clothes of her liking.


She’s at that age after all, so her interest in fashion must have inspired her desire to learn.


I felt like a teacher as I watched Jess innocently and happily work on her clothes.


(I’m glad you’re having fun.  Nothing beats enjoying what you learn after all.  I made the right choice to suggest learning magic for cloth creation.)


“That’s right.  Even though things didn’t go well when I tried learning magic for creating firearms, once I switched to this, I was able to make steady progress.  To be honest, at first, I suspected Mister Pig just wanted to enjoy watching me do this so-called cosplay, but…”


She gazed at me and gave a bright smile.


“You really do understand my aptitudes.”


(Of course.)


A guy that would deceive such a serious and eager-to-learn girl to satisfy his desires – Where in the world could there be such a piggish guy like that?


I mean, naturally, it’s enjoyable seeing Jess try out different outfits, but that shouldn’t be the main goal.  Ultimately, the purpose of this training is to improve her magic.  It’s definitely not because of some repulsively vain attempt like – Let’s try and create bunny ears and tights in Mestria, which has no concept of these things!


I was reminded of a perverted black pig who oinked elatedly after making a loli wear the pair of fake glasses he requested be made from a swordsmith.  I’m not like that pig.  I can confidently claim that I’m completely different from him.


“It’s done!”


At Jess’ voice, I turned to look in her direction.  Her pure white dress was beautifully adorned with cyan and sky blue colored botanical patterns.


“How is it?  Does it look strange?”


(Nah.  I find the patterns very detailed, and think they’re really pretty.  It looks nice.)


“I’m so glad.”


Despite the fact that she should be able to check herself out by preparing a mirror, Jess chose not to do so, and would instead always ask me to give her a fashion check.  She sought the opinions of a scrawny four-eyed shitty virgin – someone who, since entering university, has only worn chino pants and plaid shirts, and relied on 1,000 yen cuts for managing his black hair.

>TL Note: As the phrase implies, “1,000 yen cuts” are haircuts with very minimal service, no hair washing or anything.


Needless to say, I could only express my hackneyed thoughts, but Jess would always smile in satisfaction.


“What specifically do you think looks nice?”


Hearing her cheerful inquiry, I was stuck for words.  I’m really not that knowledgeable about clothes.


(…Your face?)


When I tried playing it off with a joke, Jess gently shook her head.


“It’s okay, you don’t need to force yourself.  I’m aware that my looks aren’t that great.”


What nonsense was this cute girl talking about?  She still retained her low self-esteem.


(What a stupid thing to say.  Your face is a national treasure.)


“That not true at all!  Only Mister Pig compliments me like this.”


I suddenly felt a slight urge to tease the cute girl that retorted so earnestly.


(Shulavis also said the same thing.  Since the prince of a country stated such, it must be true.)


“Eeeeh?  Mr. Shulavis did…?”


The pure Jess was flustered as she blushed up to her ears.


(He also said that he likes how your breasts aren’t too big.)


Jess’ face quickly became sullen.


“You’re lying.  There’s no way Mr. Shulavis would say those words.”


But he did say those words…


“Mister Pig is the only person in Mestria to compliment my features and say my breasts are nice.  You don’t have to force yourself to lie.”


Although she was delighted to have her clothes complimented, she wasn’t happy when her face or breasts were praised.  A woman’s heart sure is complicated.


“It’s not complicated at all.”


Jess raised her index finger and leaned forward slightly to look at me.  I was monologuing…


“I’m glad to hear you compliment my clothes because it makes me feel that you’re acknowledging my tastes in attire.  Of course, I would be lying if I said I wasn’t happy to be praised for my looks, but…”


(Tastes, huh…  Right, I think I get it, but at the same time I don’t get it.)


“The same should be true for you, Mister Pig.  Rather than be told that you look tasty, wouldn’t you be happier if you were told that you’re kind?”


I thought about it and imagined the two scenarios where Jess would look at me while saying I looked tasty, and while complimenting me that I’m kind.


(That’s true… but I’d still be happy to hear that I seem tasty to a cute girl.)


I glanced at Jess while conveying that.


“I’m not a cute girl, so I won’t be saying it.”


(Oh, okay…)


My pig ears drooped dejectedly, to which Jess then flapped her hands in a panic.


“Ah, no, Mister Pig looks tasty!  I sure want to eat you!”


Oink!  Eat me, eat me!


“I won’t eat you…”


Jess retorted before returning an awkward smile.  Now I felt rather apologetic.


(Sorry for making you play along with this romcom-like conversation…)


Puzzled, she then tilted her head.




Oops, I accidentally used a jargon.


(They’re happy stories centered on love.  They’re quite popular back in my world.)


“Oh, so those sort of things exist… happy stories centered on love…”


Jess’ expressions suddenly brightened.


“That sounds nice, I want to try experiencing it as well!  A romcom!”


Her fists were tightly clenched and shaking excitedly before her shoulders.


This might be the first time I’ve seen a girl want to experience a romcom.  That said, the number of girls I’ve met is small to begin with.


(But uh, without a love interest, you can’t really have what’s called a romcom.)


At my words, Jess pouted lightly.


“Are you still going to say that?”


We stared at each other for some time before averting our eyes in embarrassment.


“…Oh no.  It’s already this late.”


I looked out the window after hearing what she said.  The sky had completely darkened.  The jagged, triangular silhouettes of the nearby conifers were swaying in the same direction due to the strong winter winds.


A singular red star could be seen through the gap between those trees.


Salvia (the North Star) was twinkling bewitchingly in the northern sky.  It’s also known as the “Wishing Star.”


“The Wishing Star looks even more beautiful tonight.”


Did she notice my gaze, or did she hear my monologue?  Jess, alongside me, was also looking at the small night sky framed across the window.


“It feels as if we’re really getting closer to the north, little by little.”


Even if we’re traveling north, it’s impossible to get significantly closer to the northern stars – despite me having pointed this out many times before, Jess stubbornly refused to yield.



The one to obtain the Red Wishing Star floating at the edge of the north will be granted any wish.



According to Jess, this ancient legend has been passed down throughout Mestria.  Jess and I left the royal capital on our own, and embarked on a journey to find that Wishing Star.


…Obviously, the talk about the Wishing Star was an excuse for Jess.  Things has calmed down for the time being, so now’s the perfect time for our oink-oink honeymoon – not.  I speculated that this was probably a trip for broadening her horizons.


Jess, having been born and raised in the royal capital, and worked as a maid in a city to the north until she welcomed her sixteenth birthday, wasn’t able to take even a day’s break since then.  She hasn’t had a chance to sightsee around Mestria and enjoy herself.


With Salvia as our goal, we kept proceeding north.


We continued our journey, and was now passing through the forest northwest of Mestria.


We borrowed a cabin that was built inside the forest for tonight.  Tomorrow we’ll finally arrive at the tourist spot known as Raha’s Valley.  Jess seemed to be looking very forward to it, as it sounded like it was a special place that she’s always wanted to visit.


After changing into her nightgown, Jess curled up into the narrow bed.  Though the inside of the cabin was warmed by the fireplace, cold air drifted in through the stone walls.  I chose to lay down before the fireplace.


Jess rolled over and looked at me.  The flames of the fireplace shone brightly in her clear eyes.


(What’s wrong?)


After staring at me for some time, Jess gently closed her eyes.


“No, it’s nothing.”


Sometimes, before going to bed, Jess would stare at me like this as if she had something on her mind.


(Are you not feeling sleepy?)


“No.  How should I put this…?  I don’t want to fall asleep.”


(You don’t want to fall asleep?)


“Yeah…  I can’t wait for tomorrow to come.  And of course, the day after tomorrow, and the day after that…  I’m sure they’ll be tons of fun.”


With her eyes still shut, she spoke as if she was dreaming.


“Every night, I think to myself ‘I hope tomorrow would come sooner’… and ‘I wish tomorrow would arrive right away instead of the night.’”


What she said was so off the wall that I froze up, staring at her.


(No, sleep is very important.  I’m sure this country also has the saying “children who love to sleep will grow bigger.”)


“…Where are you looking at while saying that?”


I wasn’t looking at your boobs…


“So you were looking at my boobs.”


She read my gaze with her eyes still closed!


(No, I really wasn’t looking there.  I wouldn’t want your boobs to grow any bigger, and besides, they’re not visible because they’re under your bed cover.)


“Oh.”  Jess remarked as she confirmed her breasts were hidden by the sheets.  I consider her breast size the angel’s golden ratio.  It strikes the perfect balance of being the crystallization of a well-calculated natural and scientific beauty wrapped in curves which give it the impression of something divine.  Just having it grow bigger doesn’t necessarily mean it’s better.


Jess shut her mouth as if in resignation and ignored my monologue.


“I’m sorry.  I know it’s better for me to rest.”


She stirred and faced the ceiling.


“Let’s get a good night’s sleep.  We’ll be walking a lot tomorrow.”


(Yeah, you’re right.)


We exchanged our goodnights and drifted to sleep.


That warmth and peacefulness felt like a scene from a romcom.


With this final bit of translation from the preview of Ch 1, I would like to formally announce that I've dropped this series as J-Novel Club has licensed the series!  Thank you all for reading, and if you enjoyed it please be sure to buy the official release!  It's been my pleasure posting for the past year.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for introducing us to this fun series. Really excited to read it on JNC now!

ZasuKugad said...

Muchas gracias por la actualización, la esperaba con mucho entusiasmo. Saludos desde México.

Anonymous said...

how does the end of the previous volume's chapter connect to this chapter? things don't line up.

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