October 15, 2022

1 Month Blog Update

Hello again!  Today marks the one month anniversary of this blog.  I want to thank everyone that stopped by, and I'm glad to hear people are enjoying Heat the Pig Liver.

No, I'm not announcing that I'll be working on volume 2, at least not yet, but I do have some updates.  Those of you with a keen eye might have noticed that I've made some small translation edits across the blog to make certain sections read a little better.  In addition, I've updated the novel's translation home page to now include vol 2's cover blurb.  Lastly, I came across a short story (SS) for Heat the Pig Liver that was released during 2020 Golden Week which I will be translating.  It takes place some time during the first chapter of volume 1 and was written to be read by anyone, newcomer or not, so there won't be any spoilers.  Sadly, I don't own any of the other SS, so I won't be posting translations for those.

As with my previous post, make sure to support the author by purchasing his works so we'll be able to read more stories in the future!  I'm looking forward to the upcoming volume 7 which comes out in two months.

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