October 15, 2022

Heat the Pig Liver V1 SS – Pig Prince

Specially Written Short Story “Pig Prince”

Have you ever experienced having your mind read?


Well, I doubt it.


But that’s exactly what I’m experiencing right now – and it’s a particularly special situation.


The person reading my mind is a cute blonde girl in a skirt.  I’m currently a pig for some reason, and I’m looking at her as I stand about 50cm tall.


“Um, Mister Pig… I’m not a cute girl…”


This girl, who was embarrassed to be called a cute girl even though I could be peeping underneath her skirt, was Jess.  For whatever reason, she could read people’s thoughts, so monologues like these would be conveyed to her.


(A girl is genuinely a cute girl if she doesn’t acknowledge herself as being one.)


I became an actual pig, so I could only snort and oink.  By putting parentheses around the thoughts I wanted her to respond to, I am conveying to her that it’s my dialogue.


Troubled by my sophistry, this cute girl pondered for a while before opening her mouth.


“Then I’m a cute girl.”


She went with the contrapositive and acknowledged herself as a cute girl so that she wasn’t genuinely a cute girl.  How clever.


(Exactly.  I’m glad you understand that.)


“Eeeeeh?!  Why did it end up like this…?”


While maintaining this kind of idle talk, the girl and pig headed towards the town center to do some shopping.  The cool breeze under the blue sky was comforting, and as I walked along the dried dirt farm road, I glanced at the cute girl beside me who had puffed her cheeks out in dissatisfaction.


With that said, this is quite the spectacular view.


What unfolded before this pig’s field of vision was a world he had never seen before.  Underneath the fluttering navy blue fabric was a pair of healthy and toned feet, and thin white socks that gently outlined their curves.  On the other end were her thighs which escaped from the cover of her clothes, and tracing along her soft-looking skin…  Her skirt hem was lifted by a mischievous gust of wind, and further up was a pair of pure white-


Naturally, my description was conveyed to Jess.


“Please don’t worry.  It can’t be helped if you’re able to see it.”


Jess smiled sweetly.  Is she an angel?


“I’m not an angel…  Um, it’s quite embarrassing to be praised this much…  If you keep calling me a cute girl or an angel, I will give Mister Pig a spanking!”


Oink!  It’s more of a reward to be spanked by a cute girl.


(Jess-taso is seriously an angel!  An archangel!  A super cute girl!)


Perhaps due to my extreme praising, Jess’ cheeks blushed and had an expression that seemed more embarrassed than angry.


“W-well I believe Mister Pig is a wonderful person.”


Jess’ hasty attempt at changing the conversation left me surprised.


(… What makes you think that?)


I have the appearance of a livestock, the brain of an otaku, and my nickname's scrawny four-eyed shitty virgin.


“That’s because Mister Pig isn’t two-faced.”


(So you’re saying I don’t just look the part, my mind is also like that of a pig?)


Since I oink even during my monologues.


“Erm, that’s not what I meant…  It’s more that you don’t try to hide anything, or that you’re honest.”


Since the other party is a girl that can read minds, there’s no point in trying to mask my thoughts.


“That’s not true.  There aren’t many who are kind, especially when it comes to their thoughts.”


She promised to do her best and pretend to not hear my non-parenthesed thoughts, but Jess wasn’t quite used to it yet and responded to a lot of my monologues.  Oh well.  As she said, it’s true that there’s barely any difference between my thoughts and words.  The only distinction being whether I’m trying to act cool or not.


(The people around you weren’t very nice, huh.)


When I conveyed that to her, Jess waved both hands in denial.


“No, they are very nice!  But how should I explain this?  I’m a maid, so I don’t get many opportunities to get close to others, therefore I shouldn’t expect much in return…  However, they treat those close to them kindly, even from the bottom of their hearts.”


I don’t think you can call someone kind if they’re not nice to people that they don’t know very well…  Whatever, let’s stop talking about this.


(Since you’re a maid, you don’t have someone else to spend time with, right?  What do you usually do to pass the time then?)


“Well, I read books.”


(Do you read novels?)


“Yes, I also read stories.”


(Oh?  What kind of stories?)


Jess shyly ran her fingers through her hair.


“Um… fairy tales.”


It’s pretty interesting for a fantasy world to have fairy tales.


(I also like dreamful stories.)


She nodded happily, seemingly having found a comrade.


Even someone like me can go on adventures, use magic, and even meet a prince, when I read stories.  Isn’t that wonderful?”


It’s certainly theoretically possible to be spanked by a cute blonde girl if it’s inside a book.


“Do you really want me to…?”


(No, please ignore my monologues…  Still, even a girl like Jess dreams of meeting a prince.)


Her ears reddened.


“Oh… it was just an example, an example!”


(I see.  And just so you know, the spanking talk was also just an example, okay?)


“That’s right.  At the end of the day, they’re just examples.”


While we had such a conversation, Jess’ supple legs happily treaded along.  A cobblestoned street lined with shops came into view.  Jess lightly smiled and looked down towards me.


“… But I did think about how nice it would be if there was someone like a prince who would stay by my side and help me when things are difficult.”


Oh, really?


(Is there anything troubling you?)


Jess quickly averted her gaze and looked forward.  The silver collar around her neck glowed dully.


“N-no… there’s nothing in particular, but… there might be something in the future.”


(I see.  I hope that prince appears in the future then.)


After a brief pause, Jess replied with a “Yeah.” and smiled.

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