February 06, 2023

Heat the Pig Liver - Volume 3: Chapter 3

Chapter 3 – Even If You Put Your Life on the Line, Don’t Throw It Away

“I want you to meet someone immediately.”


King Markus reluctantly agreed to Shulavis’ request.  Although he’s not normally that benevolent of father, he couldn’t disregard the words “He seems to know how to kill the surreptitious sorcerer.”


While Shulavis went to pick up “that guy” from outside the capital, Markus sat in the same throne from when he welcomed Nott at the Golden Sanctuary previously, and kept bouncing his leg impatiently.  Wies sat next to him in a wooden chair; Jess stood next to Wies; and I sat next to Jess.


That being said, when Wies and Jess are side by side, I can’t help but think about beauty.  A straight nose; and a small, round nose.  Eyes brimming with mature confidence; and eyes filled with youth that appear anxious.  Long, elegantly flowing hair; and short, tidy hair.  A bold dress that exposes her shoulders; and a firmly defensive outfit.  And above all, a pair of big boobs; and a pair of modest boobs.  Regardless of which point, most will probably prefer the former, but my opinion is the opposite for all of them.  It’s not that I’m a lolicon, but if it’s between an older sister attribute and a younger sister attribute, I would ultimately choose the younger sister attribute.  Because to me, a younger sister is-


The rest of volume 3 chapter 3 has been removed as there is an official English translation.

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