February 11, 2023

Heat the Pig Liver - Volume 3: Chapter 5

Chapter 5 – The World is Gradually Changing

Hortis’ funeral was attended not only by the members of the royal family, but also by Nott, the leader of the Liberation Army.


The Golden Sanctuary was restored by the person who destroyed it, and the beautiful afternoon sunlight shone through the stained glass windows in primary colors.  Although Nott and Markus didn’t smile towards each other in the quiet space where the calming incense smoke floated, at least they didn’t glare at each other.


Hortis’ shocking death had a significant impact on Mestria’s governing.


King Markus pardoned Nott and the other officers of the Liberation Army, and they also forgave the king.  The alliance between the royal dynasty and the Liberation Army was realized in the truest sense.  Shulavis had been chosen as the two’s mediator to carry out reforms, and slowly but surely, changes were beginning to take place.


As the first step, the royal dynasty announced a new law across all of Mestria that Yesmas were not allowed to be killed.


This doesn’t reform the underlying foundation, and I think it’ll take quite some time to thoroughly abolish this unreasonable, antiquated structure, but just the existence of this law that should have been there to begin with was a big step forward.


The rest of volume 3 chapter 5 has been removed as there is an official English translation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Main character actually pisses me of. Idk why he has this idea in his head that he has to go back and leave her. Like he cries about being lonely and lectures her for being not egoistic enough but isn't willing to act on his actual feelings. It's such an annoying personality, it's actually rage-inducing. He literally just causes himself and her pain for no reason besides him having some brain-dead inferiority complex he builds some pointless justifications around. It is even worse that he wants to erase her memories so he doesn't have to feel bad about his dumbass decisions. It's such a pu**y move.

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