February 12, 2023

Heat the Pig Liver V3 Finished!


This should be my seventh blog update?  After finishing up volume 2, I felt the need to follow up with with a quick volume 3 translation.  Knowing how the story was going to develop this volume, I didn't want to leave you all hanging.

For those who haven't finished vol 3 yet, please read that before reading any further as I'd like to talk about my thoughts on it, mainly back when I first read it

A lot of what I wanted to write about boils down to the incredibly self-sacrificing, perverted old man – Hortis.  He really did do his best to unite the Liberation Army and royal dynasty together.  He gave up his life to save Markus, literally and figuratively, ressurecting Markus' humanity.  If Hortis didn't die and Jess had handed over the Spear of Destruction, I wonder if the alliance between the Liberation Army and royal dynasty would've lasted.  Markus would still be the tyrannical king, and the three officers (Nott, Itsune, and Josh) would still be holding onto their hatred.  Even if a fight didn't break out here, they're bound to clash in the future.  It's only because of Hortis' death that both sides were willing to take a step back.

I wonder when my fellow readers realized Jess was Hortis' daughter?  Personally, I had my suspicions during chapter 3 when Hortis yelled at Jess for volunteering to seal the surreptitious sorcerer, and the fact that he telepathically told Mister Pig he would bear the curse in her stead if she couldn't trigger ecydessa.  But I honestly wasn't certain until Hortis himself said Ys was his daughter.

Another thought I wanted to discuss is the love between Jess and Mister Pig.  I enjoyed seeing Celes and Nott's love story take the forefront during the middle of this volume, and those same beats were echoed by Jess and Mister Pig near the end of the story.

Celes: “It’s my choice to decide for myself what has worth.”

Jess: “Whether it’s weird or not is for me to decide…

If I had to say, I guess I didn't quite expect Jess and Mister Pig to kiss with Mister Pig still as a pig; but it does make sense as a way of proving her love to Mister Pig (it's still kinda weird though).

Also, with everything that has happened, you have to wonder just how much foresight did Evis have.  Did he predict this?  Did he know Jess was Hortis' daughter, even before they first met?

Lastly, the afterword is pretty amusing, with the three characters clearly being based on the three virgins in this story: Nott (the hot-blooded virgin), Shulavis (the serious-minded virgin), and Mister Pig (the hard-working virgin).  Maybe something that hints at a future story plot?  Who knows.

Now with my opinions of vol 3 done, I'd like to discuss my future plans for this blog...

I'll be pausing future volume translations at least until the anime airs.  To begin with, I decided to pick up this series to show that there was more to the story than what most people's first impressions were, and to give it some hype with the anime being somewhere in the near horizon.  I feel that this volume is a good stopping point that achieved both of those things.  On top of that, I want to give publishers a chance to pick up the series so that it'll finally get an official English release (my translations are passable at best).  And I suppose I should take that break I've been putting off.

This doesn't mean I'll stop translating completely, yet.  I've gone back to the previous two volumes and updated a couple of images with higher resolutions (plus a few wording improvements), and I'll try to post any short stories or interesting news that I come across in the future.  Finally, as mentioned in past blog updates, feel free to reach out with anything related to Heat the Pig Liver, I would gladly lend a hand!

Speaking of the anime, they uploaded the TVCM which is pretty much a shortened version of the novel's PV from nearly three years ago (you can find that PV link on the main translation page).

As per usual, please make sure to support the author by purchasing the novel and manga!  The author is quite active on Twitter and likes + retweets #豚レバ (Pig Liver) content frequently.

Thank you for sticking around for this 3 volume journey of a slightly naughty, flirtatious, fantasy in another world story.  Until next time, don't forget to heat the pig liver.

- Hayane

Bonus Content!

As revealed in volume 7 and the 2023 calendar, Celes' birthday is on February 14!  That's on Valentine's Day, and very soon!

Also, Dengeki Bunko has recently been promoting their 29th Dengeki Novel Prize "Silver Award" winner クセつよ異種族で行列ができる結婚相談所, a novel about marriage consultation for love between different races.  Guess who showed up?
Jess: Is there a way to stop a man from immediately oinking at every girl he sees?

A word from the trainee poster cat girl!

Anya: Discipline him!  Call him a pig and ride him–  
Eh...?  You already did that?!  And he enjoyed it?!

Finally, the cover for volume 4 of the manga has been revealed.  Crying Jess…
Side note for the manga.  It looks like some short stories were drawn and added to the volume releases as bonus chapters.  So you'll be able to read "Pig Prince" and a couple others that I haven't translated if you pick them up.  There's your incentive to purchase them, in addition to the fact that you'll be able to enjoy seeing Jess at every turn of the page.


Masquerade said...

Hello! Thanks for your hard work!
If anyone is interested I made audiobooks out of your translations, so that they can be shared with different kinds of people. I personally use them to avoid straining my eyes after a day at work. I'll leave the links here in hope they could be helpful to someone:
Vol.1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MCL0d0t0Cxx4Ec71c7H1SaBJX52nOpM2/view
Vol.2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KgnGQ7l6cLM-cFuOa0A04fRh3dO3Y99f/view
Vol.3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jxXqfsjBHRVGTQnrGhVKifWBTIriDC9h/view
Thanks again for sharing your translations with us!

Anonymous said...

First off, thank you for the translations! I started reading your translations after the third episode of the anime, and it's been an amazing read so far!

For me, I had my suspicions that Hortis was Jess' dad right after he transformed, because of this uncharacteristically heartfelt line toward Mr. Pig. He said, "Thanks to you, I didn't lose everything in my life. Thank you, truly." Coupled that with the fact that he had strong enough feelings to leave and become a dog after the monastery burning down, and also that we had no idea who the father was even though they gave him a name, everything pointed to that for me. My suspicions were only more and more confirmed as more and more hints were revealed, such as the sarcophagus not opening for Shuvalis (that's because there's a younger kid, so who would this other kid be? Jess, of course).

It was interesting to be able to read this volume after already having figured out the mystery on my own beforehand since I was completely blindsided by most big revelations previously (specifically, Hecklepons, the truth of the Yethmas, and Ecydessa). It didn't have as much of a shock factor as the previous mysteries since I saw it coming, but it was still fun seeing every hint that the author placed to reinforce the revelation at the end. For me, the shock factor and impact that the mystery might have held was transferred towards Hortis' unexpected death, so I still loved this volume either way.

I initially thought that the mystery was obvious and was internally screaming like a viewer watching someone unskillfully play a puzzle game. I'm glad to see that the mystery wasn't as obvious to others as it was to me, since that means that the author's skill in crafting a good mystery hasn't deteriorated after 3 volumes.

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