February 07, 2023

Heat the Pig Liver - Volume 3: Interlude 4

Interlude 4 – A Certain Brother and Sister’s Past

“Sorry, I’m… really sorry…”


The innocent Yesma shed large tears and apologized to her once beloved family from beyond the cage.


“Dad, this is absolutely crazy.  Come on, it’s not too late-”


Even though the black-haired boy complained with vacant eyes, his father slowly shook his head.


“Rules are rules.  As someone who serves this country, I cannot go against them.”


Despite the father’s eyes being wet with tears, he never wavered, and looked down at the crying Yesma.


“But Dad-”


The one who said this was the boy’s older sister, who had her black hair tied back.


“Litis… Litis didn’t do anything wrong.  She didn’t commit adultery…  She was raped.  And yet, why does she have to be executed?”


The girl’s eyes were wide open and distorted with despair.


“Rules are rules.  If we refuse to punish her, even our lives will be at risk.”


“Just because it’s a rule doesn’t mean you can’t say what’s crazy is crazy!  Aren’t you the commander?!”


The daughter’s accusation made the father lower his eyes and let out a deep sigh.


“Litis is also to blame.  The Yesma’s body was given to us by the royal dynasty.  Until the termination fee has been paid, we’re supposed to protect it at all costs.  It’s Litis’ and our faults that we couldn’t protect it.”


The Yesma wailed and teared.  The brother and sister crouched in front of the cage and each held the Yesma’s hands.


“Don’t say that in front of Litis!”


The girl screamed and used words she had never uttered before to curse at her father.  Her brother ignored their father and began pleading with the jailer on the other side of the cage.


However, the siblings’ wishes were of no avail, and the Yesma was dragged away from the other side of the cage before disappearing.


The following day, their father brought home a collar and bones.  The bones were then decided to be buried in the garden the next day.


On the day of the burial, the siblings disappeared with the bones, never to return home.

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