December 10, 2022

Heat the Pig Liver - Volume 2: Chapter 2

Chapter 2 – Don’t Miss Your One Chance

The barking sound of a dog woke me up.  On the other end of the bed, which Celes was sleeping on, a dim red light poured in from the window.  It was probably the sunrise.


As I snorted drowsily, I could hear the barking gradually coming closer.  What’s this all about?


The bedroom door made a loud banging noise, and woofing could be heard from the other side.  Sanon and I jumped, and we watched the door knob clatter.  Celes sleepily murmured “Nn…?”


Click.  The door opened.  What flew inside was a white-


The rest of volume 2 chapter 2 has been removed as there is an official English translation.

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