December 19, 2022

Heat the Pig Liver - Volume 2: Fragment 4

Fragment 4 – An Important Item

Before dinner, Evis-sama summoned for me.


I was dirtied from top to bottom after practicing various magic techniques, so I quickly cleaned myself before heading towards the hall as instructed.  It’s a large hall with beautifully colored paintings on the high domed ceiling, numerous large plaster sculptures placed in front of its pillars, and a large round table surrounded by soft chairs.


Evis-sama sat in the seat closest to the entrance, waiting for me.


“Come here, Jess.”


I walked over there swiftly.  Though Evis-sama’s arms and legs were thin, he was sitting upright.  I wondered if he was supporting himself with magic.


I sat down right beside the king.


“Are you feeling alright…?”


“Don’t worry.  I’m tired of eating in bed all the time.”


“I see…  Speaking of which, did you need me for something?”


“I have something I want to give you.”




When Evis-sama looked to the side, two objects unsteadily floated over from there and landed on the round table.  They were a silver box small enough to fit in one hand, and a gold key that was too large to hold in one hand.


“What’s… this?”


“I had a foresight, and I’ve started seeing a future where this should be used, so I’ll give it to you.”




When I asked back, Evis-sama smiled kindly.


“When I sealed your memories, Jess, I also took away something that you treasured.  That thing is inside this box.”


“Is… that so?”


“Indeed.  However, this box will not open without this key.”


Evis-sama pointed at the gold key next to it.


“That’s not all.  If the one to use this key to open it isn’t the right person, the moment the key is inserted, the box will burst into flames and be destroyed – with any chance of finding out what was inside lost forever.”


There was no one else in the hall.  It was extremely quiet.


“Um… what do you mean by the right person?”


“What’s inside is proof that you were once with someone.  Unless that person uses this key, this box will not open.  And any actions other than the one I just stated will result in the proof being lost.  You only have once chance to try this.”


“…I understand.  But why is the key so big?”


After hesitating for a while, Evis-sama replied.


“You will have to think about that for yourself.”


Although I had no idea what the reason for it was, since it was something that Evis-sama said, I simply nodded.


“Okay, thank you.”


“Keep it safe in your room.  You can take it now and put it away.  Let’s have dinner once you return, Jess.”


That night’s dinner was especially luxurious.  There were large, fragrantly roasted prawns, tender veal stew, and a variety of colorful vegetables.  I might have eaten a bit too much.


Evis-sama, Mr. Shulavis, Ms. Wies, and I chatted happily, and enjoyed some tea after our meal.  After spending some time leisurely, we returned to our bedrooms.


Was it because Mr. Shulavis and I were leaving the capital the next morning?  In the end, I didn’t know why we held a special dinner party.

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