December 14, 2022

Heat the Pig Liver - Volume 2: Fragment 3

Fragment 3 – An Important Moment

When I woke up, I found myself lying in bed.


A clear blue sky stretched outside the window.  It looked to be noon already.


How long have I been asleep for?  I can’t seem to remember when I went to bed-, no, I was thinking about Mr. Nott while in Evis-sama’s bedchamber.  All of a sudden, everything before me became white…


That must be it.  The sealed pages probably contained something about Mr. Nott.  That’s why, when I tried to remember, I lost consciousness.


I got off the bed, and when I slipped my feet into my slippers, I heard a bell ring from somewhere.  As I wondered what that was for, there was a slam, followed by the sound of footsteps rushing over, before my bedroom door was opened.


“Jess, you’re awake…  Thank goodness…”


It was Ms. Wies.  I understood the meaning behind the bell sound.  There was probably magic placed on my slippers to notify Ms. Wies when I woke up.


“I’m sorry, how long have I-”


“You’ve been asleep for over a day now.  It’s because you pushed yourself too hard…”


“Erm…  What did I overdo?”


“Your fire magic.  When I took a look at the laboratory, I found that you made enough fuel to burn down the entire room.  The ceiling was also covered in soot…  It’s a miracle you didn’t suffocate.”


“I’m sorry…  But I did learn from the book that combustion requires the same airflow as breathing, so I made sure to manipulate the wind and circulate the air; I also created dephlogisticated air and added it to the fuel.  I never found it difficult to breathe…”


Ms. Wies stared at me with a surprised and dumbfounded look.


“Um… that wasn’t the problem, was it?  …I’m really sorry.”


Ms. Wies sighed heavily.


“It’s good that you’re so full of curiosity.  But since you had ecydessa so soon, you’ll need to be more careful from now on.”


I immediately gasped.


Ecydessa (magic depletion).


Young mages sometimes faint when they release a lot of magic power, or when their magic power increases.  And the next time they wake up, the quality and quantity of their magic power will be incomparably higher than before – this phenomenon is called ecydessa.  It doesn’t happen very often.  I’ve heard Mr. Shulavis has experienced it three times, and even Ms. Wies has only experienced it seven times.


As an aside, Mr. Markus, the strongest mage, has had ecydessa nineteen times, and Evis-sama, the greatest mage, has had it twenty one times.  And though I don’t know if it’s true or not, according to the history book records, it’s said that the legendary mage that ended the Dark Ages – Vatis-sama, had undergone ecydessa forty-three times.


“Jess, go report to Evis-sama.  I’m sure he’ll be pleased.”


That’s right.  I suddenly collapsed in front of Evis-sama and fell asleep just like that.  He must be worried.  I should go and report to him immediately.


I answered with an “Understood,” and hurried to the king’s bedchamber.


Evis-sama appeared more haggard than before.  The ivy-like tangles of black streaks that were only on his right arm were now visibly near his collarbone.


When I arrived, Evis-sama was blankly staring out a window.


“Are you feeling better, Jess?”


A chair moved by itself to the side of his bed, but the motion was a little slow.


“Thank you for your concerns.  As you can see, I’m perfectly fine.  I apologize for worrying you, Evis-sama.”


“It’s fine.  That being said, you are as talented as I had hoped.  It’s already your second ecydessa…”




“Erm…  This is my first time experiencing ecydessa.”


“Have a seat.  Let’s talk.”


Hearing that, I sat down in the chair.  I was worried Evis-sama might have misremembered because his condition was deteriorating.


“Jess, you already know that I sealed your memories, correct?”




“Your memories were actually sealed right after your first ecydessa.  Immediately after ecydessa, all magic leaves the mage’s body.  Their self-defense mechanisms are also halted.  In other words, they become defenseless.  It was at this moment that I sealed away your memories – from the time you left the Quiltlin family up until the day of your ecydessa.”


“I… see.”


“This time, when you experienced ecydessa, my sealing magic was also lifted, so I reapplied the seal again.  You must be wondering why I am so particular about those memories.  It’s normal for you to have those thoughts.  In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if you were angry that I hid away your precious memories.”


“How could I be angry…?  I was told there’s a reason for it, and based on everyone’s characters, I understand that it must have been a sensible decision.”


“You have a wonderfully kind heart.  However, as someone who is brimming with curiosity, you still wish to know what the contents of your sealed memories are about, do you not, Jess?”


“…To be honest, yes.”


“That’s only natural.  But I don’t intend on breaking the seal, nor will I inform you of its contents.  However, allow me to tell you one thing.  Jess, your memories were not erased.  They’ve only been sealed.  Once your excellent magic power and endless curiosity is able to break the seal, we will not stop you.”


I noticed.  Evis-sama was telling me, who had just welcomed her second ecydessa, that someday I’ll be able to recover my memories with my own strength.


“…Of course, even with your magic power, Jess, I can tell you that it’s not enough to break my seal.  You will need to experience ecydessa once or twice more before you’re able to reach that level.”


“I see.  I understand.”


I could clearly feel my shoulders drop.


Only the hoarse breathing from Evis-sama resonated across the quiet bedchamber.




There was something that really bothered me, so I opened up.


“Evis-sama says I’m talented, but I’m not able to use various types of magic yet, and I’m not particularly smart either.  May I ask what made you determine that I was outstanding?”


A smile appeared on Evis-sama's haggard face.


“There are two reasons.  Number one is Jess’ unparalleled curiosity and inquisitive mind.  I don’t know who you got it from, but you always give it your all and try to determine the truth of things, even in this day and age where we don’t need to discover new things for ourselves.  That kind of talent is invaluable.”


“I see.”


Though I answered that, I wasn’t very convinced.


“You don’t seem to believe me, which is understandable.  There’s another reason as to how I discovered Jess in this era of Yesmas.”


I swallowed nervously and nodded.


“Jess, the power of your earnest prayer has brought about an unprecedented miracle.”


For some reason, the image of a beautiful starry sky came to mind.


“What did my prayer do?”


“I cannot answer that.  It’s directly related to the reason why your memories have been sealed.”


“Is that… so?”


I was a bit disappointed, but I suddenly remembered something that someone once said to me.


Even if you were being selfish, so what?  Everyone has the right to pray to the stars.


But no matter what, I couldn’t seem to remember who told me that.


It was at this time that the crystal ball placed next to Evis-sama’s bed suddenly glowed red.  He placed his hand on it and closed his eyes.  After a long chat with someone using magic, he summoned Mr. Shulavis over while I remained by his side.


“Grandfather, did you call for me?”


Perhaps he was still in the middle of training, Mr. Shulavis rushed into the bedchamber wearing his black leather armor.


“Markus contacted me.  Sit.”


Another chair was moved next to me.  It almost fell down halfway through, but it managed to arrive by my side.  Mr. Shulavis anxiously looked at Evis-sama’s face before sitting down next to me.  Mr. Shulavis’ sturdy arm seemed like it would bump into my shoulder at any moment.  When he noticed my gaze, he pulled his chair away before sitting down again.


“What did Father say?  Has he finished his preparations for destroying the Northern Forces?”


“No, that doesn’t seem possible yet.”


“Then what’s…?”


“The situation has taken a sudden turn.  It became difficult for him to continue infiltrating, so it appears he had no choice but to disrupt them by using his dragon.  Markus intends to remain there and quickly expose the north’s ruling structure through Arogan’s actions.”


“Is there anything I can do to help?”


“Well… it’s said that Nott escaped during the commotion.”




Mr. Shulavis’ and my voice overlapped.


“Markus successfully set a location magic on Nott.  I’ll create a map that responds to it, and I’d like for Shulavis to conduct a reconnaissance of Nott for the time being.”


“So you want me to keep tabs on the rebels?”


“Correct.  This will be your first task out there, but you won’t need to kill or fight.  The Liberation Army will no doubt join up with Nott in the near future.  I just want you to monitor them from a safe place.  Markus will handle the aftermath.  Can you do that?”


“I can, but… it’s kind of sudden…”


“Are you worried?”


“…No, that’s not it.”


Mr. Shulavis shook his head with a serious expression.  He looked worried.


Although I was just listening, I made up my mind and decided to speak up.


“May I… go as well?”


Stillness.  Evis-sama and Mr. Shulavis were both looking at me in surprise.


“Do you wish to go, Jess?”


From the depths of Evis-sama’s sunken eyes, his grey irises gazed at me.


“No, I just wanted to be of help to Mr. Shulavis…”


“You shouldn’t lie to the king, Jess.  Even if I may be old, cursed, and weakened, my magic power is still well and functional.”


“I-I’m sorry!”


Evis-sama laughed hoarsely.


“That was just a joke.  No need to be so frightened, my granddaughter.  It’s normal for you to be interested in Nott and the outside world.  It won’t do for you to hide those feelings.  Being honest is Jess’ virtue.”




My heart was pounding.  Did I say something unnecessary?


“I was debating on whether to send Wies with Shulavis, but… this works out, so let’s leave it like so.  It’s time for Shulavis to become independent too.  Jess, if you wish to go, then go.”


“But Grandfather, the outside world is…”


“I understand that it’s dangerous.  I can say the same about sending you out.  From my standpoint, if you and Jess are together, I can rest assured.  Besides, this will be a good opportunity for you two to deepen your relationship.”


Mr. Shulavis’ chair rattled.  His face was clearly dyed red when I looked.


“Grandfather, we’re in the middle of a war.  Please lay off those types of jokes…”


“The fact that you can’t take a joke is a flaw that both you and Markus have.  Perhaps Hortis took all the humor with him.”


Evis-sama’s laughter sounded like the winter wind blowing through a crevice.


“I’ve decided.  Shulavis and Jess, you two get ready and set off before dawn tomorrow.”


Although I proposed it half expecting to be refused, it was surprisingly accepted.  And so I enthusiastically replied with an “Okay!”


Mr. Shulavis nodded a bit after.


“Understood, Grandfather.”


But then again – I thought, if Mr. Nott is related to my memories, wouldn’t sending me to where he is acting against the purpose of sealing my memories?  Does Mr. Nott have nothing to do with me?  Or is Evis-sama deliberately trying to stimulate my memories?


Evis-sama simply smiled silently.

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