December 17, 2022

Heat the Pig Liver - Volume 2: Chapter 3

Chapter 3 – You Never Know What’ll Happen in Life

Niabel is a black stone city.  Stone fortresses lined its coast, and during the evening, sailboats of all sizes crowded the dark sea.  The port houses, mottled by the sea breeze, were built using dark grey stones.  A labyrinth of stone-paved roads ran between these houses, and the lanterns hanging from their eaves began glowing a warm color.  The cool sea breeze stung our bodies, which were exhausted from the journey.


It was a large city, but there weren’t many people relative to its size.


A strange party comprised of a loli, a pig, a black pig, and a dog finally arrived at their destination – Niabel, after a three-day journey.  Celes let the black pig smell the black panties that she was holding.


The rest of volume 2 chapter 3 has been removed as there is an official English translation.

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